By Demetri Thomas

In 2009, I was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). It was said to be the cause of all of the problems I had school wise. To me, it made me feel that I was irregular. I was prescribed medication to “help me” and which it did. But it also caused many problems for me mentally.  I took methylphenidate. A drug that really messed me up as a kid. That drug made me silent. It made me nothing. I had very dark thoughts after taking them. Dark thoughts that made me have suicidal intentions. It made me stop eating. I lost over forty pounds and was very unhealthy because of the weight loss. Even though I told my parents what they were doing to me, I couldn’t stop taking them because my grades in elementary school mattered to them. I got in fights. I was very angry. But, I still had good grades. I went through so much from 2009 to 2013. In just four years, I had changed completely. Were good grades really more important than me? I don’t blame my mother for putting me on pills that made me a dark person, I blame a country that cant accept people for their differences at first glance. A country that has doctors that always want to put someone on pills at their first meeting. Is ADHD a problem? No. Its just a kid or an adult that isnt like everyone else. Just because they cant focus doesn’t mean they are a mistake. It doesn’t mean that they are a problem. It just means that they are different and them being different needs to be cherished and celebrated. Not thrown on pills to try and make them like everyone else. And if it’s that bad of a problem, use the money at your countries disposal and try and figure better alternatives for a kid that doesn’t include a pill. That is all I have to say on the matter. Just know if you are reading this and you struggle from ADHD, just stay strong. You may struggle but you will come out on top. No matter what, STAY STRONG.

Please, Share this. – Demetri 

The Pledge of Allegiance

 By Demetri Thomas

When I was twelve years of age, I decided to stop standing for the Pledge of Allegiance. No one told me to or was anything put in my head to. I was going off of my own beliefs. But, there is always someone that has a problem with someone not standing.

Lately, there has been an issue in the National Football League due to players deciding to take an knee during the national anthem to protest against the social injustice in America. Honestly, what are they doing that’s wrong? They’re trying to use their position of power as athletes to make people aware of what is going on. So instead of firing players for choosing to use their freedom of speech to make people aware of things, how about you stop talking about them not standing and talk about the issues they’re taking a knee for. But of course, that doesn’t happen.

This is America am I correct? On December 15, 1791, The Bill of Rights were ratified into American history. In it contained ten amendments. One of which holds the most powerful ruling in the American history: The First Amendment. In it says the following:

Amendment I

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

The first amendment basically give us the right to not stand for the pledge of allegiance under freedom of speech. The government can not make any law forcing any citizen of the United States to stand for the pledge. So what gives the NFL the right to fire players for taking a knee? I’ll be honest, I’m not a football guy. I’m a hockey and wrestling fan. But although I am not a big fan of football, I take the sides of the players that are taking a knee.

At the beginning of this, I spoke on how at age twelve I decided to stop standing for the pledge of allegiance. I believe that one has the right to not stand for the pledge of allegiance. Even if they’re born in this country, they have the right not to. You can not make them stand for your beliefs.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”

There are three parts of the pledge of allegince that basically sums up a small part of my reason for not standing for the pledge.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America”

I shall never pledge allegiance to a country that once whipped and chained my ancestors. That skins and hangs innocent people. That wouldn’t give a women a chance. That can’t seem to let the same sex love each other. A history that is so fucked up that I can explain everything. That itself is the main reason why I wont stand for this country no matter what.

“One Nation Under God”

America is definitely not entirely under a god. I myself am an atheist. I don’t believe in a god. For something that is supposed to represent a nation, putting in that one line divides a country.

“with liberty and justice for all”

Okay, do I really have to explain this part. Since when in all of American history has there been liberty and justice for all? Because just in my lifespan of eighteen years, I’ve seen so many people murder with very heavy evidence and the person that did it still gets away with it. There is no true justice in the country therefore liberty is none.


There are many more things that I have to say about the “Pledge of Allegiance” that I will speak on more soon. Take a breather, and think. What exactly have I just said? Please, let me know what you think by tweeting me on Twitter @DemetriThomasX or even leaving an anonymous message. I want to hear what you have to say. Even if you disagree with me, let me hear it. Thank you for reading.

The Mind of the One Man

I’m the kind of person to keep quiet on most things in the media. Although I have my opinions on things, I usually do not speak on them. But recently, there have been several uproars in the media on social justice, immigration, freedom of speech, and several other things that I have opinions on. I’ve decided to finally express myself and speak on subjects that I normally stay quiet on. That’s why I created this blog. You may know me from past things that I have worked on. But this is something completely different. Welcome to The Mind of the One Man. – Demetri